Dr. Svetlana N. Lyutova                                        June 30 2007
Philosophy Dept.
Moscow State Institute
of International Relations (MGIMO Univ.),
76, Vernadsky Prosp., 119454, Moscow, Russia
(495) 434-9430, (495) 434-9435, FAX (495) 434-9061

Research Fields:

Psychology of teaching and learning, Cross cultural psychology of higher
education, Social and archetypal psychology of personality, Philosophy of


1995 - 98 M.S. in Psychology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Moscow,
1988 - 92 Ph.D. in Philology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Moscow,
1983 -- 88 M.S. in Journalism, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Moscow,


Sept. 99 -- present Associate Professor, Philosophy Dept., Moscow
State Inst. of International Relations (MGIMO Univ.), Moscow, Russia.
Sept. 98 -- Sept 99 Assistant Professor, Philosophy Dept., MGIMO Univ.
Sept 96 -- Sept 98 Editor, Scientific Library, MGIMO Univ.
Dec. 88 -- Sept. 96 Editor, Publishing Dept., Architectural
Association, Moscow County, Russia.
Sept.-- Dec. 88 Senior Proof-Reader, Moscow Univ. Publishing, Moscow,


Technical journal papers, archive online technical publications and Int. Conferences presentations within last 5 years (see list attached).:

Also a monograph:
S. N. Lyutova, "Marina Tsvetaeva & Maximilian Voloshin: an Aesthetics of Sense-formation", Marina Tsvetaeva Museum
Publishing, Moscow, 2004.


and two textbooks:
S. N. Lyutova, "Fundamentals of Psychology and Communicative Competence", MGIMO University, 2007.
S. N. Lyutova, "Social Psychology of Personality", MGIMO University, Moscow, 2002.


Fundamentals of Psychology (1998 - present)
Creativity in Archetypal Psychology (2000-04)
Communicative competence (1990 - present)
Rhetoric (1999 - present)
Psychology of teaching at higher education system (2006 - present).

Other Activities:

Organizer & Coordinator for EMC project “Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogic of Higher Education” working group (2007 - 08)
MGIMO - Univ. Press-officer for project “Diplomacy & Tolerance” (2001- 02)
Edit. Board Member of Philosophy Dept. web site (2002 - present).

Profess. Societies: Russian Philosophical Society (Member).

Citizenship: Russian citizen

Languages: Russian (native), English (fluent)

Archive selected online technical publications and Int. Conferences presentations within last 5 years:

[1] S. N. Lyutova “Archetypal Analysis of Conflicts” Scientific & Practical
Journal of Practical Psychologist, 2006, No 1. Moscow, Russia.
[2] S. N. Lyutova “SHE & HE: Archetypical Interaction (Transformation of Affects in M. Tsvetaeva’s Poetry)”, The World of Psychology, 2002, No 4 (32). Moscow, Russia.
[3] S. N. Lyutova “Tolerance & Morality: Problems of Elitology”. The Russian Academy of Sciences Philosophical Society’s Bulletin, 2002, No 1 (21).
[4] S. N. Lyutova “Tolerance as an Ideology of Opened Society”. The Russian Academy of Sciences Philosophical Society’s Bulletin, 2002, No 2 (22).

[5] S. N. Lyutova “Over the Cuckoo’s Nest…Will Sampson: case-study”. Existential & Humanistic Psychology web site, 2007 
[6] S. N. Lyutova “M. Voloshin: Personality & Culturesophy of the Russian Revolution”. Culture & Society: an Internet Journal, 2006 
[7] S. N. Lyutova “Andrey Bely & K. G. Jung about the Cultural Crisis: On the Point of Intersection”. Analytics of Culturology: an Internet Journal, 2006 
[8] S. N. Lyutova “Archetypal Polytheism of M. Tsvetaeva & Neopaganism at the Russian Culture of XX”. Existential & Humanistic Psychology web site, 2003 
[9] S. N. Lyutova “Mother: Negative Aspect of the Archetype”. Existential & Humanistic Psychology web site, 2003

[10] S.N. Lyutova. “Mundus Imaginalis: Archetypical Aesthetics as a Methabola of Knowledge”. Aesthetics of Scientific Knowledge: Int. Scientific Conference, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., 2003. Moscow, Russia.
[11] S.N. Lyutova, Y.I. Serzhenko. “Poet & Historian: “Live Pictures” of D. I. Ilovaysky at the Tsvetaeva’s lyric poems”. Third Int. Tsvetaeva’s Readings, Elabuga’s Pedagogical Univ., 2006, Elabuga, Russia.
[12] S.N. Lyutova. Ethnical Attitude’s Forming at the Age of Globalization. Third Int. Convent of RAMI, MGIMO - Univ., 2004. Moscow, Russia.

Invited Lectures at:
Annual Int. Forums at the Center of Cultural Studies, St.-Peterburg State Univ. (2003 - 05), St.-Peterburg, Russia.
Annual Tsvetaeva’s Int. Scientific Conference. Marina Tsvetaeva Museum & Cultural Center (2002 - 08), Moscow, Russia.





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